Erin and Max first met doing a production of Little Shop of Horrors. She broke out in song and he fell in love. Their love of musicals came up soon after I met with them- and that was just our first commonality.
Erin and Max were an absolute pleasure to shoot. We flowed from one pose to the next, one location to the next. Their connection was so apparent and effortless. The way they look at each other, the way they interact, and the way they make each other laugh! They were constantly giggling and breaking out these huge smiles. Max would sing or dance or make silly faces- anything to make his bride to be laugh. He kept reminding Erin, “I promise to make you laugh every day. “ It was beautiful, and a promise that I am sure he will have no problem keeping.
Catalina Island holds great importance in Erin’s family- honeymoons, vacations, and more. Therefore being able to capture their love in this special place was truly something. They are planning to get married in September of next year (covid, please let these two beauties tie the knot!). This wedding is sure to be one hell of a party and I simply can not wait!
Pssst! Want a little more? Keep reading to see their engagement story. It touched my heart and just had to share:
One day, Max told Erin a story he had written a long time ago for one of his books. It was a story about a village of people who had a tradition every spring solstice. They would wet the roads until they were covered in mud, and the unmarried women would walk through the mud in bare feet all the way to the house of the man they wish to marry. The man would then present a bucket of water to her and wash her feet, accepting the proposal. Erin thought this story was beautiful, falling in love with him a little more every time he shared one of his ideas with her.
About a year into their relationship, they were walking in downtown Riverside after it had rained, when Erin stepped in a giant puddle in the grass, covering her from shoe to knee in mud. She was mortified, but Max simply giggled and helped her over to a large puddle of water in the middle of the plaza where there was once a fountain. He took off her shoe and washed her feet in the puddle. She giggled and looked down at him, remembering the story. “Looks like you accept my proposal,” she said. He looked up at her with tears in his eyes, realizing that she was talking about his story. He had never felt so supported, loved, or heard.
A year later, Max brought Erin to that plaza downtown right after it had rained. She ran over to the puddle, laughing as she remembered how embarrassed she was in that moment when he washed her muddy feet. When she turned around, Max was on his knee with a beautiful ring in his hand. They didn’t even need to exchange words, just a simple embrace knowing exactly what it meant to them both.

Awww these are so cute and you’re right! Very full of joy! Stunning shots and great variety.
Oh my goodness I was nearly in tear just reading their story! And their joy is just INFECTIOUS in these photos, what a great pair!
This couple looks like they have SO much fun together!!
Oh my gosh they just look like it’s a laugh a minute with them! So much joy.
These images give me TOTAL wanderlust. So amazing!
Their proposal story melts my heart! How absolutely special and their engagement photos show exactly how much fun they have with each other.
Dream location and those smiles!!!
Love these! The photos are great, and Catalina Island is on my bucket list!